Keeping Students Safe At The School Gate

As school returns on 31 January, Wyndham City is urging residents to remain vigilant around schools to ensure the safety of students.  

Residents are reminded to be aware of their surroundings and to slow down and park safely when driving near schools.

Wyndham City’s Community Safety portfolio holder Cr Susan McIntyre said: “Safety is everyone’s responsibility, so all road users including cyclists are asked to be diligent and alert around schools, particularly during peak times.”

“We know that drop-off and pick-up times can be particularly stressful for all involved and that is why there are reduced speed zones around schools in place between 8am to 9:30am and in the afternoon between 2:30 and 4pm.”

“Please also be reminded that double parking, stopping in a no-standing zone and parking on nature strips is both illegal and dangerous.”

“Residents should look out for the 40km zones, follow road rules and watch out for School Crossing Supervisors.”

Wyndham City is also urging parents, guardians and carers to discuss with their children about how to be safe near traffic.

Students should be reminded of the importance of using supervised school crossings when available, sticking to footpaths, as well as obeying pedestrian crossings and traffic lights at all times.

“Children and students are vulnerable around our roads, so we all need to do our bit to ensure that they get to school safely and return safely each and every day,” Councillor McIntyre said.

Consider alternative transport methods and Council’s ‘Wyndham Active Travel to School’ program which supports schools to implement active travel programs to increase walking, riding and scooting to school. The program aims to increase physical activity and reduce traffic congestion. Reach out to your school and see if they are involved in the program.

For more information on road rules around schools, head to:

To read more on Wyndham’s Active Transport Strategy, please visit: