New assistance for Pet Desexing And Equine Rehabilitation

Struggling pet owners will get access to free or low-cost desexing, rehabilitation and rehoming services thanks to support from the Victorian State Government.

Minister for Agriculture Mary-Anne Thomas today opened applications for the first round of the $2.5 million Pet Desexing and Equine Rehabilitation Grants, supporting organisations like not-for-profits, animal shelters and local councils as part of the Animal Welfare Fund Grants Program. Ms Thomas said, “These new grants recognise the significant role that not-for-profit organisations and local councils play in improving the lives of animals and pet lovers across the state.”

The grants program includes $1.5 million over three years to support community organisations that provide free or low-cost desexing of cats and dogs for disadvantaged people. It also includes $1 million over three years for organisations that provide equine rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming.

Under Round One of the Pet Desexing Grants, not-for-profit organisations and local councils can apply to purchase equipment or services to deliver free or low-cost desexing programs for cats and dogs owned by vulnerable Victorians.  

Round One of the Equine Rehabilitation Grants will help eligible not-for-profit equine rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming organisations to purchase equipment or professional services, upgrade their facilities or expand their services.

The Animal Welfare Fund Grants Program aims to improve companion animal welfare and to recognise the significant role they play in the lives of Victorians.

“Animal desexing is an important part of pet welfare but it can also be a significant cost. We’re making it easier for people to look after their furry friends responsibly,” Ms Thomas said.

Online applications for Round One of the Pet Desexing and Equine Rehabilitation and Rehoming Grants are open until Sunday 11 April 2021. For more information and to apply, visit