Wyndham CEO resigns to take up lead position at Hobart City Council

Wyndham City Chief Executive Kelly Grigsby has resigned to take up a position as Chief Executive at the City of Hobart.

Wyndham Mayor, Cr Adele Hegedich said Ms Grigsby had been a great champion of the City during her five and a half years at the helm.

“Kelly has transformed the way we do business here at Wyndham ensuring our workforce is agile, empowered and future focussed,” Cr Hegedich said.

“Her leadership during the past year of uncertainty has helped guide the organisation and the community and led the sector in terms of pandemic response.”

“The Covid-19 Pandemic broke all the rules, leaving governments, businesses and residents scrambling to meet unprecedented challenges. Through this, Kelly was always ahead of the pack, creating partnerships with other levels of Government, community leaders and local health professionals to ensure we were equal to those challenges.”

Ms Grigsby has been at Wyndham for more than eight years, initially as Director of Community Services, before being appointed to the Chief Executive role in 2016.

She lists amongst her many achievements:

  • Breaking the 4 Year City Plan mould by envisioning and driving an aspirational, community led 25-year Community (City Shaping) Plan – (Wyndham2040)
  • Leading a transformation program (Our Wyndham, Towards 2040) to disrupt and replace the traditional local government service delivery organisational model for one which is agile, empowered and strategic enough to deliver on the Vision that is Wyndham2040

Ms Grigsby said it had been a difficult decision.

“It has been an absolute honour to serve the people of Wyndham and lead an organisation filled with talented, passionate and dedicated staff.”

“I am certain that, together with the Mayor and Councillors, Wyndham City will continue to put the community first in everything it does as it emerges from Covid and moves towards a bright, dynamic and inclusive future.”

Cr Hegedich said all councillors and the organisation were sincerely grateful for the contribution Ms Grigsby had made to the Wyndham community and wished her well.

Cr Hegedich will work with Wyndham City’s People and Capability and Governance teams to begin the recruitment process.

Acting CEO arrangements will be announced shortly.