Partnership for Impact: 2023 FIA Region II Roundtable Hosted by Ikatan Motor Indonesia Starts in Bali, Indonesia

Partnership for Impact: 2023 FIA Region II Roundtable Hosted by Ikatan Motor Indonesia Starts in Bali, Indonesia

Hosted by Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI) with the support of Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Region II, the programme of the 2023 FIA Region II Roundtable was launched today at the Intercontinental Bali Resort. 

A key event for the Mobility Members in the Asia-Pacific, the Roundtable will see a record attendance of the FIA Senior Leadership Team and Management with FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem joining the Roundtable for the first time. Also in attendance are FIA Deputy President for Automobile Mobility and Tourism Tim Shearman, FIA Senate President Carmelo Sanz de Barros, FIA Region II President Greig Craft and FIA Secretary General for Automobile Mobility and Tourism Jacob Bangsgaard.

Addressing the Delegates, FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem reminded its goal to strengthen the voice of regions and Members within the Federation.

“My first commitment as FIA President was to make our Federation a Member-driven organisation. With events like the Roundtable we are empowering the regions and putting knowledge and exchange at the heart of everything we do. With my Presidential team and the FIA team, we want to make the most of these days with you, our Members. We are here to listen to you, to serve you,” he said.

FIA Region II President Greig Craft thanked the attendees for their dedication to drive progress within the region and the Federation as a whole. 

 “You have all been chosen to be a part of our FIA family due to a mutual passion for our Clubs’ vision and mission. Your passions help us all to unite and the energy we create allows us to achieve our individual Club as well as regional and global goals. We need you as much as you need us and that is why we are grateful to have you join us here at the 2023 FIA Region II Roundtable,” he said.

As host of the event IMI Chairman Bambang Soesatyo said: “It is a great honour for Ikatan Motor Indonesia to welcome you all to the 2023 FIA Region II Roundtable in the beautiful surroundings of Bali. The upcoming two days of exchange of thoughts will provide us with necessary guidance to shape our future actions. I am sure our discussions will be very fruitful and will deliver strong decisions to build a brighter future together.”

Entitled ‘Partnership for Impact’, the 2023 FIA Region II Roundtable will bring together Delegates from all over Asia-Pacific for a series of sessions and panel discussions that will promote collaboration between Members. 

Focusing on road safety and sustainability, the programme will give the floor to FIA experts, Senior Leadership team, partners and special guests.

Many FIA Region II Members will share success stories and promote experience sharing, demonstrating the extraordinary added value brought about by the FIA network.

The event will also be the occasion for Delegates to discover the Balinese culture and the rich activities of the host Club IMI in both Motor Sport and Mobility.
