An Update on the Household Cash-flow Channel of Monetary Policy

Photo: Steve Christo-Corbis – Getty Images


The household cash-flow channel refers to the effect that changes in the cash rate have on households’ debt repayments and interest income, and the subsequent effect that these changes in available cash flow have on households’ spending decisions. This article presents updated evidence on the strength of this channel. In aggregate, the effect of a cash rate change on household disposable income is currently around its pre-pandemic average, after declining temporarily over the pandemic period due primarily to an increase in the share of fixed-rate mortgages. The effect of a cash rate change on aggregate household spending via the cash-flow channel also declined during the pandemic period but is estimated to have returned to around its pre-pandemic level.


The cash-flow channel of monetary policy refers to the effect that interest rate changes have on households’ required debt repayments and interest income, and the subsequent effect that these cash flow changes have on households’ spending (RBA 2024). It is one of several ways through which changes to the cash rate can affect households – though according to estimates from the RBA’s MARTIN model, it is not the strongest transmission channel of monetary policy (Ballantyne et al 2019).

The direct impact of the cash-flow channel on economic activity depends on three key factors:

  • the extent to which changes in the cash rate are passed through to the lending and deposit rates faced by households
  • the relative size of households’ holdings of interest-sensitive assets and debts
  • how households adjust their spending in response to changes in their cash flows.

Previous analysis has shown that Australian households hold more interest-sensitive debt than assets in aggregate, and that the spending of borrower households (i.e. those households who have more debt than assets) tends to be more sensitive to changes in income compared with other household types (Hughson et al 2016). This means that, in aggregate, an increase in interest rates reduces households’ available cash flow and weighs on household consumption. In this article, we use more comprehensive and timely data on household debt, deposits and interest rates to update previous research on the cash-flow channel.

Key findings

The key findings presented in this article are that:

  • In aggregate, the change in net household cash flows resulting from a change in the cash rate (‘cash-flow sensitivity’) has remained broadly stable as a share of disposable income over the past decade, though it weakened significantly for a time during the pandemic due to an increase in the share of fixed-rate mortgages. However, the sensitivity of households’ gross interest income and payments to changes in the cash rate are at historical highs.
  • The sensitivity of an individual household’s cash flow depends on the amount of assets and debt it holds. The majority of debt is housing loans and much of this, though not all, is held by higher income households who are typically able to adjust to interest rate increases by cutting their discretionary spending or drawing down on their savings.
  • The consumption response to changes in the cash rate via the cash-flow channel is estimated to be around its pre-pandemic level after having declined temporarily during the pandemic period, consistent with the effect of cash rate changes on household disposable income.

Estimating the interest rate sensitivity of aggregate household cash flows

The sensitivity of a household’s cash flows to changes in interest rates is determined by the size of their holdings of ‘interest-sensitive’ assets and debt. We define these as deposits and loans that are either variable rate or are fixed for a period of a year or less. All else equal, holding a higher stock of interest-sensitive deposits or debt would mean a greater increase in interest income or payments for a given increase in the cash rate. The total outstanding stock of interest-sensitive deposits and debt is influenced by trends in overall household wealth and debt, as well as the extent to which households shift between interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing savings products, and fixed- versus variable-rate loans (Graph 1):

  • Total household deposits (excluding offset balances) and interest-bearing deposits have risen steadily as a percentage of household disposable income since 2008. Growth in interest-bearing deposits has been a little slower than growth in total deposits over this period as the share of deposits held in non-interest-bearing accounts has generally increased since 2008 (De Zoysa, Dunphy and Schwartz 2024).
  • Total household debt (net of balances held in mortgage offset accounts) has declined as a share of household income since 2018 and is currently below its pre-pandemic average. By contrast, the stock of interest-sensitive household debt is currently a bit above its pre-pandemic average, after reducing significantly over 2020–2022. These contrasting trends mostly reflect changes in the fixed-rate share of mortgages over recent years. The fixed-rate share increased sharply during the pandemic, as borrowers took advantage of historically low fixed rates and locked in their mortgage repayments (Lovicu et al 2023; RBA 2023; Ung 2024). This caused the stock of interest-sensitive household debt to decline temporarily, though the stock has since returned to the level it was at the onset of the pandemic as the fixed-rate share has fallen to historical lows (Graph 2). For further discussion of recent trends in household debt, see Appendix A.

Overall, taking deposits and loans together, the stock of households’ net interest-sensitive debt as a proportion of disposable income is currently a little below its pre-pandemic level and around 14 percentage points below its peak in mid-2010.

Graph 1

A two-panel line chart showing total and interest-sensitive household debt, deposits and net debt as a share of household disposable income. The left panel shows that total household debt has been fairly stable while household deposits have grown, so net debt has declined over time. The right panel shows that interest-sensitive household debt has been rather flat except during the pandemic period and interest-sensitive deposits have been growing. This has meant that interest-sensitive net debt has declined over time and declined temporarily but significantly over the pandemic period.

Graph 2

Graph 2: A single-panel line chart showing fixed-rate housing loans including those fixed for a year or less as a share of total housing credit. The graph shows that the fixed-rate share picked up drastically over the pandemic period, but has since fallen to a historical low.

Consistent with previous analysis, we estimate the strength of the cash-flow channel on household disposable income by calculating the effect of a 100 basis point increase in the cash rate on the interest received and paid by all households within one year of a cash rate change (see Appendix B for further detail). We estimate:

  • Changes in interest earned on interest-sensitive deposits after an increase in interest rates.
  • Changes in interest paid on interest-sensitive debt after an increase in interest rates.
  • The aggregate change in household cash flows given an increase in interest rates, which is the difference between the change in interest income and interest payments. Because Australian households hold more interest-sensitive debt than assets in aggregate, an increase in interest rates leads to an overall reduction in aggregate household disposable income.

We estimate that a 100 basis point increase in the cash rate would lower total household disposable income by around 0.2 per cent in September quarter 2024 (Graph 3, right-hand panel, green series). This is around the pre-pandemic average but smaller than in the years immediately following the global financial crisis. While the net effect on aggregate cash flow is around average, the individual effects on interest income and repayments are at historical highs, both in nominal terms and as a share of household disposable income.

The sensitivity of household cash flows to cash rate changes declined significantly between 2020 and 2022, reflecting the large increase in the fixed-rate share of mortgages over this period. In March quarter 2022, a 100 basis point increase in the cash rate was estimated to have had a negligible effect on aggregate household disposable income. While the effect of cash rate changes on income was temporarily reduced during this period, monetary policy continued to affect economic activity and inflation, mostly through other channels (Kent 2024). As the fixed-rate share of mortgages has declined, the sensitivity of aggregate household disposable income to changes in interest rates has returned to around its pre-pandemic average.

Graph 3

Graph 3: A two-panel line chart showing the change in interest payments and receipts given a 100 basis points increase to the cash rate in both nominal dollar terms and as a share of household disposable income. The left panel shows that the aggregate change in cash flows is a little more negative than it has been in the past, other than during the pandemic where it was almost zero. The decline in cash flow due to interest payment changes after an increase in the cash rate has gotten larger over time, while the increase in cash flows due to changes in interest received has also gotten larger. The right panel shows the changes scaled by household disposable income. The change in combined cash flows as a share of income is currently a little below pre-pandemic average but changes in interest received and paid as a share of income is currently a bit larger than pre-pandemic.

Differences in cash rate sensitivity across households

This article has so far focused on the effects of monetary policy on household cash flows in aggregate. However, it is important to note that the effects of interest rate changes on cash flows vary considerably across individual households depending on their home ownership status, age, income and wealth. To explore the differences in experience across households, we apply the approach used above to data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey from 2022. In this section, we focus on the median change in cash flows among each household group. Of course, within any of these groups, individual households face a wide range of experiences.

By home ownership status

Home ownership status is the most important factor determining the sensitivity of household cash flows to interest rate changes, reflecting the fact that most household debt in Australia is mortgage debt. The share of households that are mortgagors has risen a little in the past decade to 35 per cent. These households typically face a decline in their disposable income from a rise in interest rates, particularly those mortgagors with high principal amounts remaining on their loans, such as those with new or interest-only loans. However, mortgagors also tend to have higher incomes than other household types, which attenuates the proportional decline in their income. Households that own their homes outright (approximately one-third of households) tend to be older and many of these households source the majority of their income from wealth (including deposits), rather than wages. This group experiences a net increase in disposable income when interest rates increase. For the median outright homeowner household, the size of this increase is only around one-third of the decrease in cash flows experienced by the median mortgagor household. Meanwhile, renters tend to have much lower levels of both assets and debt, meaning changes in interest rates have very little direct effect on their cash flows (Graph 4).

Graph 4

Graph 4: A single-panel dot-and-whisker plot showing the percentage impact on household disposable income split by housing status. It shows the interquartile range of effects as well as the median effect for outright owners, owners who still have a mortgage and renters. Outright owners typically see their income increase when the cash rate increases, owners with a mortgage see their income decrease, and renters’ income is broadly unaffected by a cash rate increase.

By age

The sensitivity of a household’s cash flow to interest rate changes tends to be different across age ranges (noting that home ownership status is also correlated with age). The reduction in cash flows following an interest rate increase is highest on average for households aged 30–54. This is because a greater share of these households have mortgages, generally with a larger average outstanding balance. Conversely, many older households own their homes outright (or have low outstanding mortgage balances) and have large deposit savings, meaning this group typically benefit from higher interest rates (Graph 5).

Graph 5

Graph 5: A single-panel dot-and-whisker plot showing the impact of a cash rate increase on disposable income by age bracket. It shows that age groups below 30 and above 55 either experience a negligible or positive impact to their income given a cash rate increase and people 30 to 54 experience a negative impact.

By income

The cash flows of higher income households tend to fall in aggregate when the cash rate increases, because a large share of these households have a mortgage. Cash flows of lower income households tend to increase, as this group includes a larger share of renters, whose cash flows are not materially impacted by interest rate changes, and outright owners, which includes older, retired households that tend to source more of their income from deposits and so benefit from higher interest rates (Graph 6). Looking just at households with housing debt, the impact of interest rate increases on disposable income is greater for lower income households (Graph 7). Lower income borrower households are also likely to have lower savings buffers meaning they are less able to service higher loan repayments without cutting their spending. If we instead consider only saver households, the increase in cash flows from a cash rate raise is highest among the top and bottom income quintiles, with the latter reflecting the presence of mostly older, asset rich but low-income households.

Graph 6

Graph 6: A single-panel stacked bar chart showing housing tenure by income quintile as at 2022. It shows that most renters make up a larger share of the lower income quintiles, owners with a mortgage are mostly in the third to fifth income quintile and outright owners are typically in lower income quintiles as a large share of this group are retired.

Graph 7

Graph 7: A three-panel bar chart showing the median impact of a cash rate increase on disposable income for all households, households with property debt, and households with no property debt split by income quintile. It shows that for all households, those in the lower income quintiles typically experience an increase in income given a cash rate increase, while those in higher quintiles experience a decline. All quintiles experience a decline in income if they hold property debt and all quintiles experience an increase if they hold no debt given the same cash rate increase.

By wealth

The decline in cash flow as a share of income following an increase in interest rates is largest, on average, for households in the middle of the wealth distribution. This is because these households are the most likely to have mortgage debt. Households in the top wealth quintile are more likely to own their home outright and/or hold more interest-sensitive assets than debt. Meanwhile, the lowest wealth households are not materially affected by interest rate changes in aggregate because these households typically have little mortgage debt and deposits (Graph 8).

Graph 8

A single-panel dot-and-whisker plot showing the change in disposable income by wealth quintile given an increase in the cash rate. It shows that only the median household in the middle wealth quintile experiences a decline in income given a cash rate increase and all other median households in the lowest and highest wealth quintiles experience a negligible or positive impact to their income given a cash rate increase.

The effect on household spending

The direct effect of an increase in the cash rate on total household consumption through the cash-flow channel depends on the spending responses of individual households, which tend to be quite different across saver and borrower households. The amount that a household changes their consumption spending for each dollar change in income is known as their marginal propensity to consume (MPC). For example, if a household’s income drops by $100 and spending declines by $20 then this household has an MPC of 0.2. MPCs can differ across households for a range of reasons, such as the extent to which households can fund spending through their wealth or borrowing, or because households want to save different amounts based on their expectation of how much they will earn and spend in the future. Previous analysis has found that the cash-flow channel primarily affects spending on durable goods (Hughson, Kaplan and La Cava 2016). We therefore re-use estimates from this work which suggest that, on average, borrower households have an MPC for durable goods that is around three times as high as the average saver household. This difference means that the strength of the cash-flow channel depends not only on the effect that cash rate changes have on households’ combined cash flows, but also how these cash flow changes are distributed across borrower and saver households. Changes to interest rates can therefore affect household spending even if they have only a small impact on aggregate household cash flows, as was the case during 2022.

We combine these MPCs with the estimated sensitivity of each individual household’s real cash flow calculated from the HILDA data to track how the effect of interest rate changes on household consumption via the cash-flow channel has changed over time. Our results suggest that this effect increased between 2006 and 2010 because of strong growth in mortgage debt and a decrease in the share of non-interest-sensitive fixed-rate housing debt over this time (Graph 9). This effect then decreased between 2010 and 2014, and again between 2018 and 2022, because of increases in the share of non-interest-sensitive fixed-rate housing debt. Our estimates suggest that the cash-flow channel was particularly muted in 2022, reflecting the fact that the fixed-rate share of housing debt was at its highest level in many years at this time.

We do not have more timely estimates for the strength of the cash-flow channel because the HILDA data underlying these calculations is only available every four years. However, we can apply the latest fixed-rate share from the aggregate data to the 2022 household data to see how the recent decline in the fixed-rate share of borrowing is likely to have affected the strength of the cash-flow channel. This suggests the cash-flow channel could be marginally stronger at present than it was in 2018 – though given that these estimates rely on a number of assumptions and are likely to be quite uncertain, this difference is unlikely to be significant. If we abstract from movements in the fixed-rate share of borrowing by setting it to its 2006–2022 average of around 12 per cent, the cash-flow channel would instead be marginally weaker than in 2018, though again these differences are relatively small. Overall we conclude that the strength of the cash-flow channel at present, and for a more typical fixed-rate share of borrowing, is likely to be similar to before the pandemic. Of course, other factors that are not captured here including changes to household balance sheets will have also affected the strength of the cash-flow channel since 2022.

Graph 9

Graph 9: A single-panel line chart showing the change in durables consumption growth given an increase in the cash rate over time. It shows that consumption growth has broadly declined since 2006, but in 2022 it was a little less negative than it was in 2010. A dot in 2024 denotes the estimated effect on consumption growth assuming the current low and average fixed-rate share. At the current fixed-rate share, consumption growth would decline significantly and at the average fixed-rate share, it would be around the level it was in 2010.


The household cash-flow channel is one of a number of channels of monetary policy transmission. We find that the aggregate effect of cash rate changes on household disposable income is currently around its pre-pandemic average (after temporarily declining over the pandemic period), as households’ accumulation of deposits and other interest-sensitive assets has allowed the increase in interest receipts to broadly offset any increase in interest payments on interest-sensitive household debt. Reflecting these developments, our household-level estimates suggest that the effect of cash rate changes on household spending is similar to before the pandemic.

Appendix A: Trends in household credit

Prior to the global financial crisis, personal credit made up around 20 per cent of all outstanding household credit. Since 2007, this share has been steadily declining and is now around 6 per cent. The structural decline in personal credit up until the pandemic had been led by a decline in the use of ‘other revolving credit’ facilities, which were comprised primarily of overdraft facilities secured by residential property (RBA 1999). Offset accounts may be considered substitutes of these overdraft facilities and the increase in their use by Australian mortgagors has likely contributed to the decline in the use of personal credit (Graph A.1).

Graph A.1

Graph A.1: A single-panel line chart showing offset balances and other revolving credit facility balances over time. Other revolving credit has declined since 2007, while offset account balances have grown significantly since 2008.

During the pandemic, households also paid down other forms of personal debt such as fixed-term loans and credit cards. Lockdown restrictions provided households fewer opportunities to spend, and the substantial suite of policy support assisted households in paying down personal debts. Overall, outstanding household credit (net of offset payments) has broadly declined as a proportion of disposable income since 2018 and is now at its lowest share since 2004 (Graph A.2).

Graph A.2

A single-panel stacked bar chart showing the individual components that make up household credit as a share of disposable income. Housing credit has been growing over time and is the largest contributor, personal credit has been shrinking since around 2008 and offset payments are negative and growing to show that they can be netted from household credit as a portion that does not gather interest. A black line shows the total measure of household credit net of offsets, which has been declining as a share of disposable income since around 2017.

Appendix B: Estimating cash flow changes

We calculate the change in interest receipts given a 100 basis point increase in the cash rate using simple interest, while we estimate changes in interest paid using a credit-foncier model to align with the estimation method used by Hughson, La Cava and Kaplan (2016). We extend previous analysis by accounting for imperfect pass-through of the cash rate to deposit and lending rates by applying a simplifying assumption of an 80 per cent pass-through to both lending and deposit rates. This assumption is based on mid-range estimates of the average historical pass-through during previous tightening phases (De Zoysa, Dunphy and Schwartz 2024; Ung 2024).

Pass-through to deposit and lending rates is affected by many factors and has varied greatly over historical monetary policy phases. In recent periods, heightened mortgage lending competition – particularly from mid-2022 onwards – lowered the spread between deposit and lending rates as banks competed for customers and had access to low-cost deposit funding; however, we do not capture the effect of competition on lending and deposit rates in this exercise given the assumption of an average rate of pass-through.


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Source: Reserve Bank of Australia [2021]