For The Animals – Trailer

  For The Animals – Trailer
With catastrophic numbers of stray dogs roaming the streets of Houston TX, twin activists and philanthropists Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist lead the charge and take matters into their own hands to save the animals they love. As more and more strays plague the city causing a public health crisis and attacking its residents, the sisters take to the streets for a hands-on approach.
Although For The Animals is set in Houston, it reflects the same issues cities across the U.S. face where approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter shelters yearly, according to the ASPCA. The film highlights both the grassroots efforts and the multiple animal welfare organizations struggling with the complex nature of solving this overwhelming issue where lack of resources and local bureaucracy each play a role.
Directed by: Sadhvi Anubhuti, Sadhvi Siddhali Shree
Starring: Tena Lundquist Faust, Tama Lundquist, Sonya Franklin, Jane Anne Wesson, Ernestina Zamarripa, Greg Travis, Susan Boggio, Tyson Faust, Cole Owen, Senator John Whitmire

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