Boosting Support For Victoria’s Carers

The Andrews Labor Government is boosting support for Victoria’s three-quarters of a million unpaid carers who selflessly look after loved ones.

Additional respite funding of $10 million will help more carers take a break when they need it and engage in work, study or exercise – or even enjoy a morning tea or trip to the movies.

Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Anthony Carbines told us, “Caring is a 24/7 job for many of Victoria’s three-quarters of a million unpaid carers.”

“We are boosting funding to ensure our selfless carers receive the time out they need to keep themselves well.”

Applications are also now open for organisations to deliver services through the $20 million Support for Carers Program, which will improve access to respite services for carers in rural and regional areas, and for those from diverse backgrounds.

Carer support organisations, peak bodies, health services, councils, neighbourhood houses and other community organisations are eligible to apply.

Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers Josh Bull said, “Carers can find it difficult to find services that meet their needs, so we are investing to bring those opportunities to where they’re needed.”

Applications are encouraged from organisations delivering innovative programs through partnerships that support regional communities and Aboriginal, multicultural, LGBTIQ+ and other diverse Victorians.

Organisations can apply for one or both funding opportunities.

Carers provide essential and unpaid support in a range of ways. Many do this around the clock making it difficult for them to access the support and services they need to look after themselves.

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