Wyndham’s City Public Art 10-year Plan Consultation underway

Wyndham City is currently developing its 10 year Public Art Plan and is seeking input from the community to complete a short survey to help shape and guide our City’s future artwork.

The 10 year Public Art Plan aims to develop an ambitious world class public art program for the coming decade. Council is committed to developing and delivering a ground-breaking public art program for the people of Wyndham.

Wyndham City’s Creative City portfolio holder, Cr Marcel Mahfoud, said: “Our City has a dynamic contemporary public art program that focuses on creative celebration of place, culture, environment and community.”  

“Socially inclusive communities are those where Public art plays a vital role in contributing to the community. Wyndham City values and appreciates art and culture in making our City a vibrant, creative and engaging place to live and work.”

“Public art also has enormous potential to attract cultural tourism and can play a vital role in our economic recovery from the impacts of the pandemic and our future growth.”

The short survey seeks to find out what art our community like and what artwork residents would like to see. Residents can also upload an image, video or link to their favourite artwork below. The survey closes on 11 November.  To complete the survey visit https://theloop.wyndham.vic.gov.au/public-art-wyndham

Council needs community input to help us shape our plan for the future. Share your thoughts on public art by completing the survey or by submitting a submission via email to Public Art & Collections Officer Roland Henry – roland.henry@wyndham.vic.gov.au