Community Safety Month this October

Wyndham City will mark the month of October as Community Safety Month, furthering Wyndham’s commitment to a safer city.  

Safety in the community isn’t only measured by the absence of crime, it is about the overall feeling of connection and inclusion that is shared by the community.

This month particularly, Wyndham will be encouraging residents to introduce themselves to and get to know their neighbours while following CovidSafe restrictions.

Wyndham City’s Community Safety portfolio holder Cr Susan McIntyre said: “One of the most effective and rewarding ways to create a safe neighbourhood is simply by looking out for and getting to know your neighbours.”

“While many people have lived in Wyndham their whole lives, there are many people who have only just moved into our growing city”, Cr McIntyre said.

“Let’s focus on and celebrate the regular day-to-day connections we make with our neighbours and all our community members. This is the best way to foster a safer and more welcoming community.”

Wyndham City is always looking for ways to form and strengthen community relationships. In August, Council demonstrated the City’s commitment to community safety by being the first municipality in Victoria to join Neighbourhood Watch Victoria’s Engage Network.

“We ask that you wave and say hello over the fence or on the street to those you see,” Cr McIntyre said. “If you have neighbours that are particularly vulnerable, place a contact card in their letter box so that they can contact you if they need to.

“Together we are far stronger than we are alone.”

Safety tips, resources and contact card templates are available for viewing and download at