Green Light For Greening The Pipeline Project

Wyndham City Council has awarded a tender for construction of the first stage of the Greening the Pipeline project inside Wyndham City.

Construction of the Arndell Park Stormwater Harvesting System is now expected to begin soon.

The Arndell Park Stormwater Harvesting System is the centrepiece of the Greening the Pipeline project being delivered in Wyndham City. It will provide a sustainable source of irrigation for the redevelopment of parkland along the Federation Trail by using recycled stormwater.

Once complete, the water will help ‘green’ the reserve, including new parkland, play spaces, over 6,000 trees and 80,000 square metres of garden beds and lawn area.

The $1.76 million contract for construction of a 22 megalitre stormwater harvesting and irrigation reuse system was awarded to G&S Fortunato Group Pty Ltd.

Wyndham City Mayor Cr Adele Hegedich said: “Greening the Pipeline is a visionary project that will improve liveability and sustainability in Wyndham City for decades to come.”

“This project will give Wyndham residents more spaces to play, relax and connect.”

Wyndham City’s Climate Futures and Environment portfolio holder Cr Robert Szatkowski said: “Cycling, walking, community gardens, playgrounds and places to explore are all key features of this ambitious project to repurpose our space to put residents first.”

“This is an important project that will transform the heritage-listed Main Outfall Sewer reserve (The MOS), along the Federation Trail bike path, into parkland for the growing communities in Melbourne’s West. It will create vibrant spaces that connect communities and provide safe and stress-free active transport options.”

Greening the Pipeline is a multi-year project in collaboration with Melbourne Water, Greater Western Water, the Department of Transport, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Greening the West. In 2021-2022 Wyndham City will contribute $3.2 million toward the project.

This project is supported by the Victorian Government through the Suburban Parks Program.

Following construction of the Arndell Park Stormwater Harvesting System, the landscaping and parkland creation works in Zone 5 will be completed.

Draft designs for the parkland are available for public exhibition via The Loop:

Residents are encouraged to view the plans and provide feedback during October.