Council Thanks Wyndham’s Maternal Child Health Nurses

Wyndham City has acknowledged the tireless work of Wyndham’s Maternal Child Health Nurses who have helped Wyndham families during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The 66 Maternal Child Health Nurses have shown incredible resilience and agility adapting to provide much needed services for Wyndham’s youngest residents and their families.

Maternal Child Health is recognised as an essential service and has remained operating during the lockdown.

Wyndham Mayor and Healthy City portfolio holder Cr Adele Hegedich said: “The nurses have gone above and beyond to constantly adapt to the ever-changing health directives and importantly meet the needs of Wyndham residents.”

“Babies are still being born every day in Wyndham and the importance of a Maternal Child Health Nurse visiting new parents is incredibly important now, with new parents not being able to see their extended families and seek support.”

During July 2020 to June 2021 this year, nurses have conducted 36,292 key age and stage checks with 15,488 infants and children. It is a free service which includes appointments at 10 key stages in a child’s development.

The Maternal and Child Health Service is designed to give parents support, advice and information about Child and Family health issues and monitor growth, health, development and behaviour in infants and young children.

The service provides a comprehensive and focused approach to the promotion of physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing of families. Maternal and Child Health nurses are also able to provide advice regarding immunisations.

“Wyndham City and our residents are very grateful and appreciative of the wonderful work that our Maternal Child Health Nurses do to support local families, babies and children,” Cr Hegedich said.

“Covid-19 restrictions have impacted on new parents in our municipality and this vital service has been imperative.”

Currently, Maternal Child Health Nurses are doing home visits following Covid safe protocols and wearing Protective Personal Equipment to keep themselves and their clients safe.

Clients can also select to use telehealth software to connect with Maternal Child Health Nurses if they the wish.

“To meet the increased service demand for support during COVID-19, we have prioritised support for newborn babies and vulnerable infants,” Cr Hegedich said.

“However, we know that there are lots of families that are keen to access an appointment for their toddlers and children.”

The Let’s Catch Up – Key Age Stage Program is planned to run between October 2021 to February 2022 as a priority response for families of children due for their 18 months, 2 years and 3.5 year key age stage checks. The Maternal Child Health team will be contacting families soon to invite them a Let’s Catch Up session.

Maternal and Child Health nurses are qualified professionals and hold qualifications in general Nursing, Midwifery, Maternal and Child Health and Community Health.

There is a free Maternal and Child Health App for your mobile phone with trusted information on child and maternal health. With information on popular child health and development topics, click to call emergency contacts and prompts for upcoming MCH appointments.

For more information on Maternal Child Health Services call 1300 370 567.