Wyndham Signs Up To New Neighbourhood Watch Program

Wyndham City has signed up to Neighbourhood Watch Victoria’s Engage Network, making the City the first municipality in Victoria to join the group.

The Engage Network brings together organisations whose work contributes towards a safe and engaged community. Organisations that are part of the Engage Network recognise, utilise and share each other’s information and resources to greater benefit all communities.

Neighbourhood Watch hosts 13 local groups in Wyndham alone, demonstrating the value residents place on connecting neighbours and keeping community members safe.

Wyndham City’s Community Safety portfolio holder Cr Susan McIntyre said: “The City of Wyndham appreciates the large number of local Neighbourhood Watch volunteers and we’re pleased that by signing on to the Engage Network, we can support and further the work done by group members.”

“Community safety requires a partnership approach between police and emergency services, local organisations and residents. Wyndham City is always looking for ways to broaden and strengthen these partnerships.”

“Given the work of Neighbourhood Watch already underway in Wyndham, the Engage Network was the perfect way to solidify that work. Neighbourhood Watch groups do more than just look after safety, they help connect neighbours and contribute to the overall wellbeing of the community.”

Neighbourhood Watch Victoria CEO, Bambi Gordon said: “At its core the Engage Network aims to connect individuals with the organisations within their community that can address safety, security, crime prevention and importantly relationship building.”

As a part of the commitment to the Engage Network, Council will host an annual meeting of all Neighbourhood Watch groups in Wyndham. This will be an opportunity for residents seeking information on the groups to find out more about what Neighbourhood Watch is achieving in Wyndham.

For more information on Neighbourhood Watch Victoria and to find your local group visit: https://nhw.com.au/groups/