The Girl Who Got Away – Clip

  The Girl Who Got Away – Clip
Massena, New York. It’s 1998, and a decade of terror comes to a close with the capture of Elizabeth Caulfield, a serial killer who abducted and murdered the young girls she pretended were her own. All but one. Christina Bowden lives a lonely and unassuming existence until Caulfield escapes from prison. Under new investigation, the stories of Christina’s past begin to unravel. There’s good and evil in everyone, but as the lies are unearthed, Christina needs to choose a side before the darkness of her secrets swallows her whole.
Directed by: Michael Morrissey
Starring: Lexi Johnson, Chukwudi Iwuji, Kaye Tuckerman, Willow McCarthy, Ned Van Zandt, Audrey Grace Marshall

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