Police search Jacksons Creek for Kerry Giakoumis

Police are currently searching Jackson Creek area in Diggers Rest for the body of Adelaide man Kerry Giakoumis as part of the investigation into his suspicious disappearance.

Over the past week, police including divers from the Seach and Rescue Squad, have searched the creek and surrounds a number of times.

This follows information that was provided to police in relation to the investigation.

At this stage, Kerry’s body is yet to be located.

The 29-year-old was last seen at the Hells Angels club house on Lipton Drive, Thomastown in the early hours of Wednesday, 10 June 2020.

Kerry had travelled from Adelaide to Melbourne on 5 June, 2020 with two associates who police believe are members of the outlaw motorcycle gang (OMCG).

Kerry had told family that he intended to work here as a concreter.

It’s understood that Kerry was not a patched member of the Hells Angels OMCG.

Whilst in Melbourne, Kerry regularly spoke with his family in South Australia and his mother had booked a flight for Wednesday, 10 June 2020 for him to return home on.

Kerry didn’t board the flight and contact with his family ceased.

They subsequently reported him missing to police, and his disappearance continues to be treated as suspicious.

A taskforce has been established to investigate Kerry’s disappearance and suspected murder.

This includes officers from the Homicide Squad, Echo Taskforce and Missing Persons Squad.

Investigators from the taskforce are also working closely with South Australia Police to investigate a number of avenues of enquiry within Adelaide.

Detectives still believe it is likely some kind of dispute has taken place on the night Kerry was last seen and that may be connected to other members or associates of the Hells Angels OMCG.

In June last year, detectives from the Homicide Squad and Echo Taskforce executed warrants at several properties including the Thomastown clubhouse.

A number of public appeals have also been made since Kerry’s disappearance last year and investigators are again asking for anyone with information to come forward.

Detective Superintendent Paul O’Halloran said “The investigation by Victoria Police into the disappearance of Kerry Giakoumis has been a significant one over the past 14 months.

“We’ve created a taskforce involving specialist detectives with experience in the investigation of missing persons, murder and outlaw motorcycle gangs because we believe this gives us the best opportunity to solve this case.

“We are committed to following up every avenue of enquiry and holding those with any level of culpability in relation to Kerry’s suspected death responsible.

“Police have believed for some time that he has met with foul play and all the information we have received, particularly over the past few months, just confirms that.

“We have information that his body may potentially have been dumped in Jacksons Creek near Diggers Rest and we’ve had our Search and Rescue police, along with specialist divers, out there meticulously looking for any trace of Kerry.

“There will be people out there who have information about what happened to Kerry and who is responsible, and again I am appealing for those people to come forward and speak to police.

“I would also stress that this can be done anonymously.

“I also believe there are likely to be people out there who don’t agree with what has happened to Kerry, and that it went too far. This is your chance to tell us your version of events.

“Taskforce investigators will continue to make enquiries in relation to Kerry’s disappearance and we’re hopeful this renewed appeal, along with our searches, will lead to a breakthrough.”

Detectives are particularly keen to speak to anyone who has information about what happened at the clubhouse or any other location in the early hours of 10 June.

They would also like to hear from anyone who noticed any suspicious activity in the Jackson’s Creek area around the time Kerry went missing.

Police have released a new image of a man they are trying to identify as part of this appeal.

This man was seen in a group of men who were in company with Kerry on the night of his disappearance.

Investigators are also re-releasing a number of images of Kerry.

Anyone with information about Kerry’s disappearance is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a confidential report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au