Olympics Fever Comes To Wyndham

To celebrate the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, Wyndham City is running three initiatives over July and August to help residents channel their inner Olympians.     

Between 19th July and 15th August, residents can try out 14 different Olympic sports – including tennis, baseball, hockey and more – either at home, your local park, or at specially-run “come and try” sessions being held across several Wyndham sporting facilities as part of Wynopoly – the Tokyo Games Edition.  

This includes dedicated cycling, weightlifting and swimming workshops at AquaPulse.

You can also try your hand at a free Multi-Sport Fun Afternoon on Sunday 25th July from 12 noon to 4pm at Werribee’s Eagle Stadium, which will include the opportunity to try out at least six Olympic sports, including table tennis, karate, volleyball, archery, athletics and basketball.

We’re also running an invite-only Sports Leadership Breakfast next month, where young emerging leaders will hear from local sporting icons and experienced leaders such as former Olympian Anne Cross and Western United Football Club CEO Chris Pehlivanis about what it takes to be a positive role model and good leader.

Wyndham City Active City portfolio holder Cr Peter Maynard said these events were about encouraging people to have a go at something new, or pick up an activity they haven’t tried in a while.

“The Tokyo Olympics is a great reminder of the importance of getting out and being active,” Cr Maynard said.

“You don’t need to be an Olympian to participate, just a pair of runners and a can-do attitude.”

“These events are all part of the new Active Wyndham initiative, which aims to make it easier for Wyndham residents to regularly participate in physical activity.”

For more information and to register for Wynopoly go to  www.wynactive.com.au/wynopoly

For more information about the Multi Sport afternoon, go to www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/multi-sport