Wyndham City welcomes new Citizens during Refugee Week

Wyndham City will welcome 480 new Australian citizens to mark Refugee Week from 20-26 June.

The 480 conferees will become Australian citizens at three Australian Citizenship ceremonies which will be conducted on Saturday 26 June at Encore Events Centre, Hoppers Crossing.

The conferees are from over 40 different countries which represent Wyndham’s diversity.

Welcoming City, portfolio holder Cr Jennie Barrera, said: “Refugee week is the perfect time to welcome and celebrate our newly conferred citizens.” 

“Refugee Week unites individuals and organisations from many different backgrounds together in harmony. The theme ‘Unity; the way forward’, recognises how our differences and similarities make Wyndham a great place to live.”

“It is important to mark this year’s Refugee Week with a citizenship ceremony to show support for our community’s multicultural diversity and showing our commitment to resettlement.”

“Citizenship ceremonies bring the community together and help strengthen our social cohesion. In welcoming 480 new citizens, we recognise modern Australia has been shaped by migration, with nearly half of all Australians either born overseas or who have a parent who was born overseas”.

Due to COVID restrictions, six Citizenship ceremonies have been cancelled this year leaving 960 Wyndham residents to delay becoming Citizens. To make up for this we have scheduled another three ceremonies which will confer 480 citizens on Sunday 27 June.

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