Wyndham City Council Unveils Refreshed 2040 Community Vision

Wyndham’s community wants an inclusive and safe community with jobs, schools and services close to home.  

Thats the message council heard from its community consultations for the refresh of the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision, which was unveiled last week at a special meeting of Council.

First developed in 2016 and informed by 2040 community stories, the Vision details what the community wants Wyndham to be like in coming decades and encompasses everything from parks and playgrounds, to the arts, education, tourism and the local economy, community services, local road projects and more.

In November last year, Wyndham City began working with the community to refresh the Vision so that it continues to reflect the needs of the different places and diverse people which make up Wyndham.

This included an extensive community engagement process that included two online surveys, Community Conversations with residents that represented the demographics of Wyndham and catch-ups with kindergarten students to gain their insights.

Wyndham City Mayor Cr Adele Hegedich said the refreshed Vision will ensure that Wyndham continues to be a great place to live, work and play.

“The refreshed Vision details the community’s desire for a safe, connected and inclusive community that has the infrastructure and services it needs to support the growing population,” Cr Hegedich said.

“It also outlines the need for plentiful employment, education, recreation, leisure, tourism, art and cultural opportunities close to home, and a focus on maintaining Wyndham’s unique rural lifestyle.”

“I’d like to personally thank our Community Conversations participants, and those who took the time to complete our online surveys – your invaluable feedback will help shape Wyndham’s future in the years to come.”

“But the work doesn’t stop here. Everyone who lives, works, studies or visits the municipality has a role to play in helping achieve the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision.”

“For this Vision to be truly realised, we will need investment and support from the State and Federal Governments, businesses, industry groups and the community as a whole.”  

Council will now use the refreshed Vision and feedback from the community engagement process to develop the new Council Plan, which will guide the work we do over the next four years.  

To view the refreshed Wyndham 2040 Community Vision, go to: https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/wyndham2040