Expressions of Interest open for Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory

Wyndham City is calling for Expressions of Interest from local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Aboriginal people to become members of our second Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory Committee (WRAC).  

The committee will advance reconciliation in the City and encourage and seek broad Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in Council services, activities and events.

It will also build on the work done by the inaugural WRAC.

In particular, it will work with Council to develop and implement Wyndham City’s second Reconciliation Action Plan, which aims to redress injustices and increase equity and access to services for Wyndham’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We’re looking for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members and reconciliation allies who live, work, study, volunteer and/or have a connection to Wyndham to register their interest in this important committee.

Wyndham City Mayor Cr Adele Hegedich said the WRAC was a great opportunity for the community to have their say on matters that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Wyndham.

“We want to make sure all members of our community have the chance to make their voice heard,” Cr Hegedich said.

“The inaugural Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory Committee has already taken a significant step forward on the journey to reconciliation with the adoption and implementation of Council’s first Reconciliation Advisory Plan in 2017.”

“One of the key achievements of the first Reconciliation Advisory Plan has been the establishment of the Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Centre, a multi-purpose facility that includes a dedicated Aboriginal Community Centre.”

“We need to continue this important work to further embed reconciliation in our core business, ensuring Wyndham is an inclusive, welcoming City that celebrates our diverse heritage and cultures now and in the future.”

“We particularly want to hear from people aged 16 years and over who have a commitment to social justice, demonstrated experience in reconciliation leadership and strong community relationships.”  

For more information about the Wyndham Reconciliation Advisory Committee and to register your interest, head to