The Orange Door Network Is Coming To Wyndham

Wyndham City has welcomed the recent State Government announcement confirming it will have the primary premises for The Orange Door network in the Western Melbourne area.

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams made the announcement, opening the way for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children in Melbourne’s west to access the free service.

The Orange Door is currently operating in eight regions across the state, including the Central Highlands, Loddon, Barwon, Inner Gippsland, North East Melbourne, Bayside Peninsula, Mallee and Goulbourn. Wyndham City is thrilled that it is coming to Wyndham to provide services to those in need.

The network is part of the Victorian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence. Family Safety Victoria, which was set up in July 2017, is leading the establishment of The Orange Door.

Wyndham City’s Community Safety Portfolio holder, Cr Susan McIntyre said Council has proactively worked with Family Safety Victoria to support partnering with local agencies and effective planning for a local network of safety and support to ensure clients and the community can access the services offered through The Orange Door Network.

“The network brings together workers from across specialist family violence, child and family, Aboriginal and men’s services to deliver risk assessments, safety planning and crisis assistance, as well as vital connections to ongoing support such as counselling,” Cr McIntyre said.

“The Orange Door network at Wyndham will not only include the primary premises, but provide other face to face access points, outposted staff and outreach services.

“This is an important step to ensuring that no matter where you live in the west, family violence support is available to all that need it.”

Services will commence in 2022 and implementation activities starting mid-2021.

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