Wyndham’s Draft Budget produces record spend

Wyndham City Council has proposed a record $201 million spend on new infrastructure and capital works, in its 2021/22 Draft Budget.

The Draft Budget was formally adopted for public exhibition at Tuesday’s Council meeting.

Wyndham Mayor Cr Adele Hegedich said she was proud of the way Councillors and staff had worked together to deliver the first proposed Budget of the new Council term.

“It is a responsible and considered budget that focusses on a proposed record capital works investment, protecting our local environment, building healthy and resilient communities and maintaining essential services.”

The 2021/22 Draft Budget proposes:

  • Upgrading and building new local roads – $27.2 million
  • Sports and recreation infrastructure – $29 million
  • Playground and parks upgrades – $2.02 million
  • Kindergarten and children centre services – $18.09 million
  • Maternal child and health and immunisation services – $13.91 million
  • Library services – $9.76 million
  • Black Forest Road South Level 2 Community Centre – $7.05 million
  • Manor Lakes Northern Hub – Integrated Family Centre Master Plan Implementation – $4.68 million
  • Truganina South East Master Plan Delivery – $12.31 million
  • Sports pavilion upgrades – $5.6 million
  • Maintaining Wyndham’s infrastructure assets – $8.35 million
  • Tarneit North Master Plan Implementation – $12.17 million
  • Regional Soccer Facility – $12 million
  • Local road reconstruction and resurfacing – $12.9 million
  • Youth programs and services – $5.09 million
  • Active Transport Network – $4 million
  • Alfred Road Reserve Master Plan design – $1.15 million
  • Presidents Park Master Plan design – $0.52 million
  • Widening Little River roads – $5 million
  • Lighting the West – $3.8 million
  • Greening the Pipeline – $3.2 million
  • K Road Cliffs Master Plan Implementation – $1.06 million

Proposed rate increases for 2021/22 have been set at 1.5 per cent, in line with the State Government’s cap.

Cr Hegedich said: “During COVID-19, we made strong and practical decisions to protect and expand our services, while increasing investment into capital works to stimulate the local economy, support our most at-risk community members and protect local jobs.”

“This year, for the first time, we undertook a deliberative engagement process to inform our budget priorities.”

“I would like to personally thank all those community members who took part and helped shape this Draft Budget.”

“By sharing their ideas and thoughts about what it is like to live in their local neighbourhoods, we were able to better consider their priorities and plan for their needs.”

“As a result, this proposed Budget will invest in the largest capital works program ever, with more than $200 million allocated to ensure critical infrastructure is delivered across the City.”

“It sets a clear direction for Council as we emerge from the pandemic, with financial sustainability and responsible investment the key priorities.”

The proposed Budget includes $4 million for the City’s Active Transport Strategy, which is a 10-year plan to connect the missing links in walking and cycling paths to improve access for residents and visitors travelling either on foot, bikes or scooters and those using wheelchairs and prams. “We want to make Wyndham the active transport leader of Victoria,” Cr Hegedich said.

Wyndham City also proposes to spend more than $33 million improving our parks, open spaces, and streetscapes.

Cr Adele Hegedich said: “Covid and restrictions proved more than ever the importance of parks and open spaces for our residents. Our residents have told us how much they enjoy these facilities and places and we’ve listened.”

The proposed Draft Budget also includes millions of dollars to deliver new sport, leisure and community facilities, including $7 million for the Black Forest Road South Level 2 Community Centre in Wyndham Vale; $8.6 million for landscape works including construction of rectangular fields and a tennis complex at the Bensonhurst Parade Reserve in Point Cook; $6.7 million for the Truganina Level 2 Community Centre and $5.6 million for Brookdale Road Reserve landscape and carpark works in Point Cook.

The following key financial parameters in the proposed budget were outlined:

  • Council’s budgeted operating surplus for 2021/22 is proposed to be $181.3 million, including gifted subdivision assets, developer contributions and capital grants.
  • Council’s underlying result for 2021/22 before depreciation and amortisation is a surplus of $68.1 million (excluding gifted subdivision assets, developer contributions and capital grants). Depreciation and amortisation totals $110.5 million. The underlying result after including this is a deficit of $42.4 million.
  • The budget focuses on delivering programs to support vulnerable or hard-to-reach communities during the pandemic recovery, as well as providing support to local businesses and agencies to ensure our community recovers as quickly and as safely as possible.
  • Funding for capital works is proposed to be $201.5 million for 2021/22, representing the largest capital works program undertaken by Council.
  • Council currently has $55 million of external borrowings, with $40 million of that maturing in the 2021/22 financial year. It is expected that Council will refinance the $40 million and borrow up to another $30 million to assist the funding of the capital works program. Any decision to undertake borrowings will be informed by Council’s borrowing principles and subject to Council endorsement at that time.

The Draft Budget is now open for community feedback, via www.theloop.wyndham.vic.gov.au/budget2021-22