Seniors, let’s get physical!

Getting older shouldn’t mean you stop exercising – you just need to find the right activity.

Wyndham City has released the timetables for the second round of the Active Ageing Program, which will start on 10th May and run for six weeks across the Grange Community Centre, Eagle Stadium and AquaPulse.

Seniors can sign up for one or more of the 10 activities on offer, including yoga, tai chi, water aerobics, a walking group and a circuit class at the Seniors Exercise Park in Hoppers Crossing.

Each activity is only $20 for the full six-week program.

Wyndham City Active City portfolio holder Peter Maynard said each activity was specifically tailored to over 65s.

“The program, which was first run by Council’s Sport and Recreation team in 2019 with great success, makes it easier for Wyndham’s older adult population to be active by offering tailored classes close to home at a low cost,” Cr Maynard said.

“More than 100 Wyndham seniors participated in the first program for 2021, which is currently in its final weeks.”

“We all know the physical and mental benefits associated with being active – I encourage our older residents to check out the timetables and sign up to one or more of these classes.”

Applications close 7th May, with booking forms available at the Grange Community Centre, Eagle Stadium and AquaPulse.      

For more information, go to