International Women’s Day In Wyndham

A stellar line-up of local and headline acts will take to the stage at this year’s Wyndham City’s International Women’s Day event.

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala favourite and host of The Great Australian Bake Off comedian Claire Hooper, will emcee the event with Bluesfest 2021 performers Hussy Hicks, performing ahead of their 2021 east coast tours.

Wyndham City’s International Women’s Day will feature talks and performances and will take place at the Wyndham Cultural Centre on Monday, 8 March from 12pm until 3pm.

Local women of Wyndham will also be put in the spotlight to discuss and celebrate their achievements and perspectives of living and working in Wyndham.

Coinciding with the event is the PINK Art Exhibition at the Wyndham Cultural Centre.

After 11 months of closure, residents are invited back to view the latest exhibition, specially curated to coincide with International Women’s Day.

Locals are invited to join in personal and small tours of the group exhibition, in a covid-safe way, featuring works from Australian women all creating work with the hues of pink.

Welcoming City Portfolio Holder, Cr Jennie Barrera said the event recognises the immense contribution of local women to the community and beyond.

“This year the theme of International Women’s Day is ‘Choose to challenge’ where we ask ourselves how we can help forge a gender equal world,” Cr Barrera said.

“A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge.”

“As we enjoy the entertainment by these star acts, we can take time to reflect on women’s achievements and the importance of women in our society.”

“Excellent events such as this in places such as the Cultural Centre and Gallery, contribute to the liveability of Wyndham.”

Children are welcome and free workshops and arts activities will be included on the day.

The event is free, but all attendees are required to Check In via QR code registration and capacity is limited. For more information head to

The post International Women’s Day In Wyndham first appeared on Tones Review.
